Sprout Logo


Sign up as a new member, or renew your membership today

member benefits

Becoming a Sprout member means you are joining a supportive family with a mix of people all of whom are passionate about seasonal food, local farming, sustainable and regenerative practices. 

Becoming a Sprout member means you are joining a supportive family with a mix of people all of whom are passionate about seasonal food, local farming, sustainable and regenerative practices. 

Our membership structure is simple, there is just one level for all who join, and it runs on a financial year basis.

$60 per year, from July to June. 

Depending on what time of year you start or renew your membership with us, will alter the amount you pay;

Between 1 April & 30 September

Fee Payable
100% –  $60

Between 1 October & 31 December

Fee Payable
75% – $45

Between 1 January & 31 March

Fee Payable
50% – $30

Please pay the amount corresponding with the date you are renewing your membership. All membership renewals occur on 30 June the following year. Note: for those signing up between 1 April and 29 June, your membership runs until the following June).

Any questions, just call us on 0419 519 296.