Who is Sprout Tasmania?
Sprout Tasmania is a volunteer supported not-for-profit, non-government organisation, operating statewide in Tasmania. We are committed to educating, empowering, and supporting small scale producers and regenerative farming.
Our MISSION & Vision
Sprout Tasmania supports small-scale farmers to farm ethically and sustainably for their community & the environment. We exist to grow and support our industry through advocacy and capacity building.
Our vision is of a strong network of well-resourced and productive small-scale farmers, who are recognised for the role they play in a fair, resilient food and farming system, where communities thrive and landscapes are regenerated.
We represent our members within political, economic and social systems, taking issues & ideas to the table.
The Sprout Producer Program is a one year program which includes education, farm field days, workshops and networking to support and develop producers to prosper and farm sustainably.
Find out more by clicking on the button below.
The Sprout Hub is a members only centre for education and resources. Here you can access farming and business courses, discover recorded webinars and 101 factsheets, and chat with peers using our forum.
Who supports us
Sprout Tasmania is a non-profit organisation, supported by community donations and sponsors as well as the Tasmanian State Government.