The Farmers

Tanya and Clinton are the farmers behind Drifting Farm. They farm because they love it, and their dream is to work on the farm full time without the need for alternative income streams whilst sipping a “Drifting Farm Pinot Noir” on their deck at the end of the day, looking over the vineyard and eating fresh produce from the farm that they have been successfully growing and selling to the local community, restaurants and tourists. They also want to contribute to food and wine quality for Tasmanians.
They have used the first few years on their farm to plan and also test what suits their property and their skills, and have completed major infrastructure works requiring considerable capital outlay including clearing vegetation, road building, dam renovation, tractor purchase and fencing.
The Farm
Based in Koonya, Drifting Farm grows produce and wine grapes naturally the old fashioned way by hand in the clean sea air.
Their pinot noir vines yielded their first real vintage in 2021. In their own words, it’s been a long hard slog, but participating in the Sprout Producer Program taught them that tenacity and resilience are paramount. They also learnt that learning from mistakes is crucial. They have contended with the weather, weeds, weevils, wallabies and rabbits, and they are still smiling.