Andrea Scott
The Farmers

Andrea Scott farms with her parents at Hamley. The property has been in their family for four generations; it is a precious piece of land where she spent a magical childhood, and she is so happy to be back there helping to create a living for her own family.
Andrea lives with Matthew, her husband of 18 years and they have three amazing children.
After having a variety of office and hospitality jobs and being a stay-at-home Mum for thirteen years she feels so blessed to have found her passion. She loves that she is farming, following the rhythm of the seasons, being close to the earth, producing food for local markets in such a beautiful part of the world!
The Farm
Hamley is a small farming business currently growing a tomatoes, garlic, a variety of herbs and micro herbs.
Their crops are grown in hothouses using hydroponics and supplies local wholesalers, green grocers and a cafe on the North-West Coast. As much as possible they try to minimise chemical inputs, using natural based pest control measures and organic fertilisers on the garlic.